Classic Vehicle Tax Values Beware

You ask a lot of good questions as to why people aren't doing anything about it.
I suggest you try and come up with a solution, execute it, and report back to us how it went.
Then you may know the answer to your questions.

I like your tone and assumptions
I vote to remove all the idiots
I appeal all tax hikes
I vote no on all bonds
I write off all taxes within the law
I try to stay informed

A tax increase? Increase in spending? you are voted out

what I don't get is how/why we got to this point, and why its tolerated and added upon?

I don't think the issue started with me, so I, personally can't do anything, and unfortunatley the 'commons' is dragging us down

All I can do is try and educate as many as possible everyday
Here’s a thread explaining the process earlier this year when I used antique auto plates on an old car:
Yep, exactly. I have two legal vehicles.
Only downside is that if you try to re-up they give you a new plate. One time the lady told me she couldn't renew my vanity plate because it was too old and gave me a new random one. I told her that was fine, could I also sign up for a vanity plate while I was here? She said that was no problem... what did I want it to say? :laughing:
I like your tone and assumptions
I vote to remove all the idiots
I appeal all tax hikes
I vote no on all bonds
I write off all taxes within the law
I try to stay informed

A tax increase? Increase in spending? you are voted out

what I don't get is how/why we got to this point, and why its tolerated and added upon?

I don't think the issue started with me, so I, personally can't do anything, and unfortunatley the 'commons' is dragging us down

All I can do is try and educate as many as possible everyday
Now do the rest of what I said
Ok.. give me a minute to become governor / majority leader and I'll end it all.

Until then, I try and educate and open eyes.

What if we all did that, 1 person a day for a year. Starts to add up to a big enough number to matter

My plan today? Ask you to vote for lower taxes and minimal gov't.
I have asked about Antique registration at DMV and they acted like they had never heard of it. I run old tags on it but I have to have the up to date tag and registration with me at all times.
If you search, it's there plain as day. Print it out of the DMV manual and hand it to them at the desk to help their memory maybe???

The first step is DMV, next your local county accessor. You have to do both in that order.
who wants to have to form an out of state LLC and keep up with it all, even if its 'cheaper'?4

keep up with? you shouldnt make assumptions if you dont know anything about it. There is nothing to keep up with. Absolutely nothing. The phone service, if I **ever** got a call from the DMV, gets forwarded to my phone. The $10 for each vehicle is auto debited monthly. Nothing more than like a fee for Netflix. There is zero hassle if I get pulled over "Its a work lease sir". Yes I have got pulled over before. I also keep a "lease agreement" in the glove box if I ever had a dick cop want me to prove it. I did one days worth of work to set it up, my account gets debited $100 once per year for address/phone forwarding, and $10 per vehicle once per month. And then I live like the rest of you. Insurance is personal, I just tell them its leased - very in the box. If you have one of those weird insurance companies that want to see registration be in your name, then you simply ask for a Employee Non-Owned Auto policy - done. Yeah, there is nothing I keep up with.

I also get other benefits. It essentially acts as an estate planning vessel. If i die suddenly tomorrow, another just steps in and takes over. Including the bank accounts, easy. No probate, no attorneys. I also am exercising a legal option, and I save about $200-$300 a year per vehicle (this includes boat, rv, and multiple trailers). I also gain a certain level of privacy, if someone wants to know where the 6 figure audi parks at night by looking up the plate - cant happen. If someone is talking to a lawyer and they are researching me to see how worthwhile it would be to sue me, Im going to appear to personally own very little. The list continues
word. you have it all figured out. thats great. you are correct, there are many ways a biz owner can protect and shield themselves. not just cars. we all get that. I've done the same over the years.

me? I feel its 100% completely crazy that an individual would feel the need/have to to set up an LLC, pay for email/phone forwarding, set up lease agreements, keep the paperwork in the car, make sure to have insurance on the same page and understanding and not lapsed, make sure the new sticker gets mailed to the correct address every year per car....AND allow for our newer cars to be taxed more.......all because we let it happen, and continue to let it happen.

now I know not to mess with that 6 figure Audi! Whoever owns one of those has far more issues than registration though.....that insane depreciation is a b*tch!
The Sudden Tax increase worried me a few years back, when it happened to Granny / Don Custer. He's in Cabarrus county & had the Green CJ. He hit I think, the 30 year mark & his tax tripled or more, as a Antique vehicle. I live in Gaston Co. Does it matter; I don't know. But my 79 CJ, stayed valued around $800 for years. I remember it being as low as $500. I just Surprised, myself, when I opened my registration & saw it at $5425! Damn, I had not noticed when it went up. Check my Tax returns & was the same last year, so I'd have to dig way back maybe to see when it Increased. Probably why I haven't noticed, is it's still like $33 Property Tax. With all the Fees, it comes up to $108. Compare that to my Truck which is something like $800. Last time I changed Ins. companies, I Did get it insured for $10K. If that made any DMV difference, I don't know.
I'll go back & study the Antique thing.
AND allow for our newer cars to be taxed more.......all because we let it happen, and continue to let it happen.

Dude. Your bitching about who caused the avalanche while your standing there with 2 miles to run to get out of the way, while 1mil tons of snow is coming at you. It is long past time to moan about "letting it happen". The tea party was over 2% tax. What is it today??? The system is in full motion. It is impossible to stop short of a complete reset, either biblical or another revolution war. So either move out of country, find a way to ride the waves that lets you live your life the way you want, or stop all the online moaning from your couch with dick in one hand and phone in the other and go be a John Conner and start a war. Shit or get off the pot. If you believe in the bible youre even more off course.
So either move out of country, find a way to ride the waves that lets you live your life the way you want, or stop all the online moaning from your couch with dick in one hand and phone in the other and go be a John Conner and start a war. Shit or get off the pot. If you believe in the bible youre even more off course.
but he has daily educating of people to do.
dang! that massive Audi depreciation makes some mad!

nope. not one bit. if i buy a really nice computer, its an expense, even tho computers starting falling behind every 2-3 years. So i upgrade it. When i decide to upgrade so far as to buy a new one, thats 15yrs or so down the road. For somethings, when i intend to keep it until its no longer usuable, Im not looking at depreciation and resale value. Samething with my phone. With alot of things. How do you know the audi wasnt a fictional example? How do you know if the audi was purchased for a mother that always had the dream for one, and with 20yrs left to live a blessing turned dream to reality?

Anywho. Wasnt ranting or trying to attack. There is a-lot of things i vehemently disagree with in this country. Very strongly. I could talk all day about the things that are happening and literally no one is doing anything about it. Literally: how can there be congressional hearings proving there was vote tampering, and everyone just keeps chiving along? How can there be a conspiracy with alot of third party facts surfacing that the Hawaii fires were not wild but rather the result of a laser attack - and yet Super Bowl and all the other BS goes on. How can we have so many named in discovered in child sex trafficking and the whole thing just gets folded up and disappears. No one gets up. No revolts. No one groups together and demands a hanging. I swear, this country is going to get so bad, they wont even have to force people on to the train cars to the camps, people will get on themselves without a fight. Whats the point in discussing it? It wont change. It will not change. The only discussion I care about is how to *survive* it, and bringing my family through this mire with as little emotional/physical/financial loss as possible.
Only downside is that if you try to re-up they give you a new plate. One time the lady told me she couldn't renew my vanity plate because it was too old and gave me a new random one. I told her that was fine, could I also sign up for a vanity plate while I was here? She said that was no problem... what did I want it to say? :laughing:
Why would you ever re-up? :lol:
Why would you ever re-up? :lol:
Here I was, worried that you brought us back on topic and we wouldn't get the opportunity to watch Dave and Ben argue politics again, but Matt helpfully brought us back to Audi resale values.... so there's still hope that we'll have to move the thread to the garage before the week is up.
Out of date tags are a fix it the great warrior poet Marshawn Lynch once said "Oh imma get got, but Imma get mine way mo than I get got tho".

Is it still a fix it ticket if you have weighted tags? I am going to guess not. Everything I own is cheap to tag except my F350. That joker is like $500+/year.... Big military trucks I rarely drive or tag that I have tagged in the past were always farm tags. Which, now they offer farm tags for 3 months at a time. My excursion expired back in 2021 and I let it go over a year before renewing, I hadn't paid the property taxes, so the fees on that killed the savings.
Is it still a fix it ticket if you have weighted tags? I am going to guess not. Everything I own is cheap to tag except my F350. That joker is like $500+/year.... Big military trucks I rarely drive or tag that I have tagged in the past were always farm tags. Which, now they offer farm tags for 3 months at a time. My excursion expired back in 2021 and I let it go over a year before renewing, I hadn't paid the property taxes, so the fees on that killed the savings.
I'd like to know the answer to this too.
So in SC they just changed the weighted tag law. Only commercial vehicles have special P weighted tags. Noncommercial now have a regular tag with the weight. Just got charged $60 for a new tag that I just paid in April.
So in SC they just changed the weighted tag law. Only commercial vehicles have special P weighted tags. Noncommercial now have a regular tag with the weight. Just got charged $60 for a new tag that I just paid in April.
Holy hell, I wish NC would do that!
Is it still a fix it ticket if you have weighted tags? I am going to guess not. Everything I own is cheap to tag except my F350. That joker is like $500+/year.... Big military trucks I rarely drive or tag that I have tagged in the past were always farm tags. Which, now they offer farm tags for 3 months at a time. My excursion expired back in 2021 and I let it go over a year before renewing, I hadn't paid the property taxes, so the fees on that killed the savings.
I know there are State Troopers who can pull the scales on you and it is a pretty damn expensive ticket. I'd imagine if you aren't loaded it's just a fix it, but loaded you are probably screwed.