My heater fan quit working. there's no power to the fuse behind the glove box. Where does the power come from under the hood? All of the fuses are good.
There's another fuse box in the drivers footwell up high. (above the trim panel). On the side wall of the cab. Try there. I'm not aware of a fuse box behind the glove box. (But then I haven't had the need to look there either.) I bought mine and it was missing the blower resistor entirely, so all I had was high speed. Might see if there's power going to that too. Not sure from there though. Might have to trace the wiring back to the ignition switch. Or for that matter it could be the fan switch too. If you pull off the climatte control lever knobs, you can kind of pry out the faceplate. This will give you access to the light bulb, not sure if you can get access to the plug on the switch from there. If not take out the ash tray by pulling it open and pushing down the lever on the top and it will slide the rest of the way out. Then use a phillips screwdriver to pull the ash tray bracket out and you can for sure get access there. Hope this helps!
Thanks, I looked at those fuses on the drivers side cab beside the left foot, all good. My a/c button quit working at the same time. It's like all the power to the HVAC system quit working.
I'll try looking at the plug behind the controls. Thanks
There's probably a relay somewhere in the dash to turn on the blower. I.E. you turn on switch which powers relay which turns on fan through high amp contacts. You might try pulling the cluster to see if there are any other relays back there. I'm pretty sure the headlight and parking light relays are back there, at least they were on my '83. Do you have power to the switch?