1991 Jeep Cherokee Transfer Case


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
Hickory, NC
There is a 1991 Jeep Cherokee on Craigslist that I would like to swap my truck for, but threy say it needs a transfer case. Are they expensive and are they hard to swap out?
why are you so set on a trade. sell your truck, bum rides for a week or so, and go shopping with cash.
Dude...wife and 2 kids...and I am trying to get a ride that I can haul my boat and family...

No money to buy another, and no one interested in buying my truck...ask around on here...everyone will tell you all about me and my truck...
have you not gotten another vehicle yet>?
I got my last used transfer case for $100, and it took all of about two to three hours to pull and install....and Im no ace mechanic!
what kinda truck u got andrew?
i'm right down the road from hickory and have 2 231's to choose from. pm me. 100.00 each.