$2.00 a gallon gas

The price of retail gasoline would fall by half, to around $2 a gallon, within 30 days of passage of a law to limit speculation in energy markets

that sounds about as useful as "the jury will disregard the previous statement" :rolleyes:
um, I can only assume the "$2" figure came by proportional cutting the price of galoine by the price drop in oil by the barrel.
This is a pretty big fallacy, the price of gasoline is not solely directly connected to oil by the barrel like that. Many other costs to figure in.
Per barrel prices were $65 just last year... yet gas hasn't been $2 for many, many years...

(Dave puts on flame suit and pot stirring utensil)

Personally, I think curring gas down so much so fast is a bad idea, long term.
Why? Because Americans are idiots with short memory. All the innovation and serious pushing for alternative fuels will be dropped and fall by the wayside, while people will jsut start driving gas-guzzling vehicles again and forget the problem exists.... leaving us still with no better long-term solution...

I think it's GOOD for us to finally be suffering with thsi like so much of the rest of teh world has been for many years, makes people actually THINK about things and conservation.
lol, people in the rest of world? should be pissed that the US sits on top of 4 times the amount of oil in the middle east and refuses to touch it. Yet we remain the number 2 consumer of oil in the world. driving up the cost of oil for some countries to almost $9 a gallon!!!

And while we do that, we allow speculators in the market to push the cost well beyond what the "embargo" has done.

I realize that there are more factors that go into the price of fuel, but this is coming from oil execs. They said (and im sorry i cant find the quote so this may as well be made up i suppose) that they have the ability to produce below $2 a gallon diesel but the EPA laws wont let them.

While we're on the topic of EPA laws, the military wants to run their jets and other large equipment on coal ash. they could reduce their oil needs by 80% but cant get congress to pass the laws to allow them to do it! they already have the machines on the bases they just arent allowed to turn them on!!!

The alternatives are just as enviromentally unfriendly as oil. Nuclear has to have waste storage facilities, not to mention a means of transporting the waste accross the country to said facility. Wind needs massive clearing of lands (read: cutting down trees) to make room for enough mills. The most effeciant place to build a solar power plant is in ant arctica how do you propose we move the electricity from there to here? Hydro electric requires building dams and reducing the flow of water (and not to mention, stirs the silt which kills the trout ...you know...kinda like why no one wheels at tellico anymore).

And...not to mention, that over the life time of the vehicle, an H1 Alpha Hummer is better for the environment that a toyoya prius is!!!!

So...good thing you put that flame suit on because like it or not, oil is just as good for the earth as anything else is.

When people do all this "thinking" about conservation, sometimes they dont realize that maybe things arent as bad as the media would like to portray them. that maybe we'll end up doing more damage than good.
yeah.... google colorado shale oil.

with the amount of shale oil in the us added to the amount of liquid oil in the gulf coast and alaska our oil capacity easily reaches to 4xs that of the middle east.


'Oil is here'

"These are quite remarkable technological approaches," said Jeremy Boak, a geologist at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo., who spent 11 years cleaning up radioactive waste and disposing of weapons-grade plutonium at U.S. government sites. "The oil companies don't have the exploration problem of finding resources to drill. We know the oil is here. It's just a matter of getting it out."

U.S. oil shale deposits likely hold 1.5 trillion barrels of oil, according to Jack Dyni, a geologist emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey. All 12 OPEC countries combined have proved crude oil reserves of about 911 billion barrels, led by Saudi Arabia, with 264.2 billion barrels, according to statistics compiled by BP Plc

and this from wikipedia

[edit] Oil shale
Main article: Oil shale reserves
The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2,500 gigabarrels of potentially recoverable oil, enough to meet U.S. demand for oil at current rates for 110 years

GIGA barrel! i dont know that word means, but it certainly sounds big ( in my best Steve Correl impression"
Yea, being from that area and having a father that was in the oil business in the 70's, they've known about the oil shale for decades. Even used it for a while in the 70's. It was expensive to get the oil from it and when the price of oil dropped, the oil companies turned the area into a ghost town. I actually did a little work in the Unical 76 refinery when I lived in the Rifle area. When I showed up at the gate it looked like something out of "The Stand", by Stephen King. It was a totally deserted oil refinery except the two people at the gate. Wierd. I saw a thing on the news tonight about a top secret area Shell had where they figured out a cheaper way to recover the oil. They had to keep it top secret so the f'n greenies wouldn't try to shut them down.
GIGA barrel! i dont know that word means, but it certainly sounds big ( in my best Steve Correl impression"

Giga = 1,000 X 1 million
Or, a biliion
For example... kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte etc.
i know that. it was an attempt ( apparantly a poor one) to lighten the situation up some.

Yeah, great improvements in shale oil extraction have been made recently. if you and i are talking about the same story, its the one where the oil exec said they could have $2 a gallon diesel at the pumps by weeks end if a certain law was passed or repealed. i dont remember how it went now.
I like the conversation but am wondering how much oil we can buy if the dollar plummets....

remember the dollar is the standard now not Gold.

And he's right, we were at $65 a barrel not too long ago...
when is the last time you saw anything under $2?
Freaking Milk is about the same as a gallon of gas.
Personally, I think curring gas down so much so fast is a bad idea, long term.
Why? Because Americans are idiots with short memory. All the innovation and serious pushing for alternative fuels will be dropped and fall by the wayside, while people will jsut start driving gas-guzzling vehicles again and forget the problem exists.... leaving us still with no better long-term solution...
I think it's GOOD for us to finally be suffering with thsi like so much of the rest of teh world has been for many years, makes people actually THINK about things and conservation.

Although I dont disagree that we normally pay less for fuel than other places in the world like Europe. A few things are different from us and them.
We dont live on top of eachother like Europeans do.
We dont have a mass transit system that would be able to really get people where they needed in a timely manner in ways that they do.
Our taxes on fuel are WAY WAY lower than the taxes they have on theirs, which accounts for a good part of their prices.
I definetly disagree that it is good for America. Being in a small family business, we have seen a good drop in the amount of business we do. We are not so concerned about the big profits, but more about our workers, who if we cannot pay we must lay off. Things are expensive now-a-days, and most of that has come from the housing collapse and higher oil, fuel, and food prices.
When people cant afford to buy from places they normally shop at, that cuts their profits and potential to grow, leading to lay offs, and more unemployment and more people not being able to afford the things they really need.
[citation needed]
That just seems odd given that the place gets no sun for a good piece of the year. I'd guess that the dry climates near the equator are hard to beat.
cold temprature is more conducive to making electricity. simple physics. no citation needed.

but...im sure you could use google if really needed proof.
the military wants to run their jets and other large equipment on coal ash. they could reduce their oil needs by 80% but cant get congress to pass the laws to allow them to do it! they already have the machines on the bases they just arent allowed to turn them on!!!

Huh? I work on Helicopters actually am an instructor..... We burn the same grade fuel jets do. JP4, JP5, JP8, JET-A, JET-B. I just read about this type of fuel that is in research. Never seen a machine on base to make it. Not stepping on your toes, just have never seen it. Our fuel gets delivered to the base in the form of a liguid and is brought in by 18 wheelers.

I just read about coal ash...... seems cool.
reason europe has a higher gas price is it ties into their overall tax rate whereas they have lower taxes otherwise but because our gas went up our taxes definitely did not go down but someone is trying to make them go up in the next 4 years