2004 F-350 C&C... new front-end noise

Caver Dave

Just holdin' it down here in BFV
Mar 10, 2005
Hooterville (24171)
So, was returning from GER Sunday... where I lost (most of the) brakes on it upon reaching Hwy.19 (compounded by losing trailer brakes on Thursday heading up) :poop:
Hit O'Reilly's in Oak Hill to discover pass. rear caliper puking (Sherlocking: it appears the lower caliper pin seized, smoked inner pad, remnants of pad rotated up, allowed pistons to contact smoked rotor until there was clearance for them to pop-out, and resulting in rapid fluid loss), but they had everything (calipers/brackets, pads), so only took a couple of hours to get back to stopping. (will revisit BOTH rotors next month)

Anyway, made the rest of the trip without issue until I got to the Meadows of Dan (15 miles out), when something in the front-end started making a weird chirp/thunk...
Initially thought it was something 6.ohL engine related, but all vitals were good, and nothing amiss under hood.

- Windows down @ 20 mph sounded like passenger side
- Didn't appear to be speed related
- Didn't appear to be suspension related (bumps, etc.)
- Didn't appear to be alignment/steering position related
- Confirmed both hubs unlocked (M-M, not factory)
- Temp checked both unit bearings (both near 100*)
- Temp checked both calipers/rotors (both near 100*) given the previous issue
- Visually checked the shafts/joints to make sure they weren't flopping/slopping (no shiny marks)
- No visible issues w/ suspension components, including newer swaybar links/urethane bushings

Similar sound to trailer suspension popping when turning hard, or a swaybar pop, but happened when going straight.
Was REALLY suspecting a unit bearing seizing, but temps (backsides) discounted that
Began to feel slight feedback thru steering wheel when it happened, but that stopped about a mile from the house and didn't reappear, even when 4LOW to climb hill to shop
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