2006 6.0 ford

Not unusual, and some of the reflashes produce this problem, depending on what flash they started with. The portion of the flashes that deal with the auto transmission also affect mileage more than we probably know. Don't know how many flashes there are for the '06, but my '06 F350 has been reflashed once and I lost some mileage, too, but the powerband feels better and the cold and warm driveability went up considerably, partly due to the changes I can feel in the tranny side.

Anyway, ya need to make sure that if your truck was reflashed, it was done with the latest flash, and if applicable, it could have been a sequence of upgrade reflashes required instead of a one-shot deal because they build on each other in sequence. There are stories out there of dealers reflashing with the wrong flashes, outdated/superceded flashes, wrong sequences, etc.

Maybe you're already aware of the sites, but powerstrokeshop.com and dieselstop.com sites and forums are very helpful since several of the participants are Powerstroke techs, but like all forums, take 'em with a grain of salt and read carefully. By reading carefully you'll be able to recognize the posts by knowledgeable folks vs the BS and fawkhead crowd.