My pannel is not in my "garage" but the laundry room which used to be a storage room to the garage. My parent's is the same way as mine now.
Usually if ya gotta run wires, its not very far. What I did was to wire up a proper outlet for my welder on its own circuit. But instead of running wires all over the garage from the attic, I just put the outlet a few feet below the box and run my extension cord from the welder to the outlet. That way I didn't have to fish wires through any walls. Saved time and $$$. Only drawback is that I have my welder's drop cord running under the back corner of the door from the laundry room to the garage. The cord is tucked back away from traffic and is behind all kinds of things, so I never really know its there. It actually took my wife 3 weeks to notice it and shes in there everyday!
Good luck.