Can he feather the gas to keep it running or not? could be a MAF, or...Someone on here chime in as to how to jump the diag plug to get it to flash codes.

what year? The diag plugs vary. I had the same problem. Got a FSM and tested the shit out of everything. Everything checked out. Turned out to be sparkplugs. They looked fine but I replaced them and it fired right up. Still running fine.
check the EFI relay its in the fuse panel under the dash
if thats not it check the fuel pump relay

also check the computer see if its wet
-Fuel Filter?
-Reset the relays suggested...use paper clip end and push in center hole.
-Jumper T and E on diag port and read the engine check light blinks to see what codes computer has detected. You may see 14, 31, etc.
-AFM powers fuel pump during initial cranking. Bad AFM possibly, as suggested.
-All fuses good?
-Enough gas in tank?
-Try feeding engine with can of WD-40 through a vacuum port. May clear up if run long enough?

Yep, Step 1 is to get the code, post it back here. My money is on an A/F balance problem.
And as an aside and personal pet peave, *please* turn off your caps lock when you type.