350 break in


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
i recently just re ringed my 350 this is my first engine build i was wondering are there any precautions i should take for breaking in this engine or should i just top off all the fluids fill it with gas and let her roll
re ring only? or complete re build?

Either way you dont want to hold a constant RPM early until the ring seat fully (supposedly)

This is one of those things where there are hundreds of theories, some good sound advice and a whole bunch o bs
keep rwpms below 4000 for the first 500 miles, and dont hold constant throttle all the time, keep throttle and load varying somewhat for the first 500 miles, thats at least what i have always done.... and dont run synthetic oil for break in, use petroleum based.
it was jsut a re ring job ill just take it easy for first 500 miles adn change the oil and see how it does