4.0 no fuel pressure on the rail


jeep a holic, resident assho;e
Sep 21, 2007
it just quit on me tonight. i will do more checking tomorrow.
it hasnt been cranked or ran much this year. I started and moved it. was letting it idle. prob. 15 min. noticed a miss. cut it off and tried to restart. it would just start and die. pulled the aircleaner, found a rats nest. started it up with some help with some ether. wouldnt stay running. no pressure on the valve on the fuel rail. new pump several years ago, but prob only 5k miles if that much.
First off, I know sounds stupid, but make sure it actually has fuel in the tank. (seen that problem baffle seasoned techs for days.) Then see if the pump is running. Fuel filter plugged? If by rats nest you mean you've had a critter in there, check the wiring to be sure they didn't chew through it.