4Leaf4x4 Competition - August 9th 2008


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Clover, SC
4Leaf4x4 Competition

Aug 9th, 2008

Meet @ 9:00am

Clover, SC @ Piggly Wiggly​
Call Paul Moody for directions @ 704-853-9507​

Much help needed, if you call ahead and set up what you can do and/or want to come before competition to help prepare, we will give you half price on Entree and DVD!
Entree fee is $10 (everyone/riders/competitors/spectators)
DVD is $15 (will be chapters and testimonials on each competitor/mailed when completed)
Food is included/Over-all Trophy/eventy awards/and lots of fun!

We do need to know how many people will attend ASAP, to purchase food, Legal forms and so we know who is doing each event. ONLY the first 10 of each event are allowed to compete, so call in soon, or email me at pmoody0814@hotmail.com

Thanks and hope to see you there!

4Leaf4x4 Competition​
Hey Paul, had a great time at the last one! I'll be there with my son again. A friend of his will also be there with his pathfinder. I'll call you soon. I'll be wanting to try more of the comps, now that my clutch is broken in. Edit; Hey Paul, I forgot to mention on the phone, that my sons friend & my son will take turns driving the Nissan. Please enter them in whichever comps you enter me in.
I'll be there.
With 1, maybe 2 other people. I don't know exactly yet.
We won't be competing. Just watching yall have fun :(

Oh and thanks buckshot!
Your welcome! Rob never got back to me, so I wasn't sure if he'd let you in yet. So welcome to the board! Just remember to follow the roolze!:bounce2: Hope to meet you at wranglin's!

But of course.
I just wish I had my trucks. Maybe next time!
Once again, if anyone wants to help work on the trails, i will give you half off everything, "if you actually help" and if you have a backhoe or any equipment to help make some new obstacles, i will let you in free and give you a DVD! Just an offer, the more help, the more destruction we can do, take care and hope to see you all there!​
Entree (adults) $10
DVD $15
T-Shirts (4Leaf4x4) $20​
I don't work on Friday if you need help.
All I have though are my hands and a strong back!
Brief Info/Rules on Competition​
We will be meeting at 9am, and filling out forms and doing our testimonials on our vehicles(how they where built/how long/model/etc... on camera for the DVD)
Also you can order T-Shirts and DVD's at this time as well as pay your entree/spectator fee. You may find me (Paul Moody) once we get to lunch and do these things as well, if you show up as we are leaving.
We are trying to only allow 10 vehicles per event. You don't have to do them all, but if you want to win Over-All trophy, i would suggest doing as many as possible.
We also have some new rules!​
Only the Spotter will be allowed to exit vehicle and walk trail once with guide. They will be in charge of getting you through the new trails. If you leave course, that is your stopping point (DNF).​

Exiting your vehicle ~ 10 sec
Using your Jack ~ 15 sec
Using your Winch ~ 20 sec
False Start ~ 15 sec
**If you do not have a spotter, we can assign you one**

We will have Awards and Grilled Lunch!
Adult Spectator FEE... $10
Competitor FEE......... $10
T-Shirt Cost..............$20
DVD for Aug 9th.........$15
DVD for May 24th........$5

Also we will have some Comment Forms for you to fill out at the end of the day, Please do, so we can have an even better competition next time!​

Thanks again, and we look forward to Seeing you all on Saturday! pM

Man I have a wedding that weekend. Good luck with it Paul. BTW I never recieved my DVD. Hope it goes good the first one did!
It got sent back, i have the package still, i figured i would give it to you this competition.
Just send me you correct address and ill send it to you! What happend to your friend comming out here last time. Invite all with 4wheeldrives, we want reall competition this time, take care, pM
Ill be there scpectating Paul.. The rig still isnt ready yet for this event. Thanks for the heads up buckshot!
Looks like its going to be a great weekend.
Plenty of Rigs comming and should be some rain comming soon.
I am working my butt off to get my rig ready by Saturday, i will literaly have no time on the trails with my rig. So i will actually have the unfair advantage since i haven't driving the trails in four months and i haven't driven my Jeep since i put 9inches of lift and 37" iroks. The custom drive shaft finally got corrected and now i have one day to get my pinion angle right. Time ticking , hope to see yall out there in my RIG.

We will be doing out Introductories for the DVD at 9:00-9:30am, so please get there ASAP. Must fill out Legal Forms and Pay Fees. Thanks again,pM
I think I'm out :(

I'll know by midnight tonite probably :lol:

If I do make it I'll probably be in a green '78 bronco on 35's.

HOPE to see yall there!
buckshot, i need all info or supplies for carborator ASAP so i can return this one, it is doing the exact same thing and i can return it if i so it soon, thanks and need to get music soon anyways, pm
Paul, put a MC2100 on your jeep. I have one I will let you have reasonable. Get Bobby Carson to rebuild it and install it for you. He will do it at his home shop for reasonable. You will need an adapter (I think I picked up a Mr. Gasket at autozone). Your jeep will run upside down if it turns out anything like the one on my CJ. Let me know and I will hook you up.
Paul, put a MC2100 on your jeep. I have one I will let you have reasonable. Get Bobby Carson to rebuild it and install it for you. He will do it at his home shop for reasonable. You will need an adapter (I think I picked up a Mr. Gasket at autozone). Your jeep will run upside down if it turns out anything like the one on my CJ. Let me know and I will hook you up.
Hey Flint, I was going over this with Paul on Saturday. I have all the info on the parts & was going to hand that over to Paul but it sounds like your option may get him up and running quicker. Advanced Auto had the Mr. Gasket adapter the next day. I also did a distributer (larger) cap upgrade if you would like that info. Is the MC2100 you have a 1.08 venturi?
buckshot, i need all info or supplies for carborator ASAP so i can return this one, it is doing the exact same thing and i can return it if i so it soon, thanks and need to get music soon anyways, pm
Did you get the P/M I sent you yesterday? If so at least look at some of those links, so you'll have an idea of whats going on. Sorry I didn't notice this thread was still active until midnight Sunday. I'll try to call you Monday night. Think about Flint's option it will be faster than doing it yourself, & you can learn how to rebuild it the next time it needs it. The carb is the hardest upgrade. the other two are easy enough that you & I can do them in an hour or so once we get all the parts together. Again the carb is only part of the problem, The ECU computer is the rest of it. Easy to make it sleep & stop trying to control things that don't help anymore such as timing advance. Also since I have most of my info on my home pc., it might be easier for you to stop by here to get it. We could go over it together & make notes for the important stuff.
Sounds great Flint, how much we talking bout here. Just so i can have an idea, i want to do it ASAP. Once i get this engine running good, i can worry about all the underbody.

buckshot, maybe we should get together and go down to advance as well, i know i also need to put a new valve cover seal on to stop the oil leakin. Take care and i will have this DVD going in the next week or 2
Sounds great Flint, how much we talking bout here. Just so i can have an idea, i want to do it ASAP. Once i get this engine running good, i can worry about all the underbody.
buckshot, maybe we should get together and go down to advance as well, i know i also need to put a new valve cover seal on to stop the oil leakin. Take care and i will have this DVD going in the next week or 2
Yeah Paul, We should. Napa has the better parts for the distributer upgrade. (Brass cap pins) I'm thinking Maybe Saturday A.M. would be a good time to do the work, & I'll post up the Napa Part numbers;[ Rotor FA159, cap FA136, adapter FA139.]< All these are required] Wires 700313 unless you want the $50.00 red Accel brand ones I have (Advance). so you can pick them up in the meantime. At advance auto The carb adapter Part # is MR. Gasket # 1937. I PM'ed Flint for you Paul. EDIT; Wanted to mention the thread I started in past events about Wranglin's August 9th. gathering.
Trails are awesome right now with all the rain, almost impossible.
Any one want a Used soft top for a 1990 YJ . one possible little leak in rear right corner, seen small hole, but haven' seen water leaking. Its GREY, $75obo.
Trails are awesome right now with all the rain, almost impossible.
Any one want a Used soft top for a 1990 YJ . one possible little leak in rear right corner, seen small hole, but haven' seen water leaking. Its GREY, $75obo.
I definitely want the top, Let me know when you wants the cash! I'll have it Friday evening!:gitrdun: