63" Chevy Spring Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Kannapolis, NC
I'm wanting to put 63" Chevys in the rear of my '79 LWB Yota. How far forward do I need to move my front rear spring hangers? I can't move the rear shackle hangers back anymore than they already are because the bed was already bobbed when I got it. I could move them back about an inch maybe. How much lift will I get out of the 63s and how do I determine how much lift I need from them?
alright. now that you mention it, i remember seeing that on there
63 chevys are too long. Rock anchors, and too much work for too little results. I would do 89 and up toyota rears (51") they will bolt right in, flex plenty, and not kill breakover/departure angle. All you will need is ~ a 6.5" long shackle, IIRC.
Is that stock 89+ springs? How much lift will the 51s give?
I used stock with an AAL, and a long shackle, gave only ~ 2.5" of lift. I run my junk low. You will have a hard time getting a lot of lift with a soft flexable spring. I just noticed how tall your rig was, maybe marlin or All-Pro 56"ers? Or, lower you truck and make it more stable. (my choice):beer:
Yeah. I kinda like the way it sits. I'll probably try another route then. Thanks anyway.
They do work well (63 chevys). Axle wrap is minimal for such a soft spring, lift will give you 2-3 depending on how you build your shackle. The length can be an issue but not that much worse than stuff hanging out of the back, double shackles CAN be nice, watch out for unloading. Dont blow them off, they are cheap simple and very effective.
If I do 63s, I will deff. be doing double shackles. I kinda want to keep the height that it's at so I can still run my 36s. I guess my only options for lift are either something like 3" AAL or blocks or both. I don't really wanna use blocks at all though.
You should be able to drop a good bit of your current lift and still clear 36s.
I don't wanna have to mess with my front suspension as of yet though. It actually flexes really good.