anyone have a write up doing this?
I can't believe nobody has pointed you to any real info yet.
Get to know thsi site, it has 95% of all teh info you wil lever need, esp regardin gcheap lifts.
The site has not only info on products, but details on how things work and even how to do it yourself if wanted.
Roger(4Crawler) sells Balljoint spacers, up to 1.5", that's a good cheap alternative. The spacer goes in above the upper balljoints (beneath upper A-arm), effectively pushing the bottom down by 1.5" and adding that to your ride height.
Also sells body lifts of any size you want, custom height if desired.
IMO, you can do the BJ spacers and crank then T-bars a little (for info on that see here: )
abou tan inch is safe. That nets 2.5".
In the rear, get 3" longer shackles, that will (roughly) match the front... then get a 1-2" body lift, and you're done, netting 3.5-4.5", plenty for those 33s and maybe even 35s. You could get all this from 4Crawler for prob < $150-200 total.
Now, agreed that you are limited by the IFS, but you have to do what the budget allows, and if yo udon't over crank them and aren't rock-crawling, the setup really is perfectly fine.