87 TBI 350 No Start


Mar 22, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Just picked up an 87 Suburban with a TBI 350, that has been sitting for two years. It will only start with fuel poured into the throttle body. It has fuel pressure at the throttle body, but the injectors will not squirt. It also has power at the injectors. Prev owner said my have crossed the jumper cables at some time when trying to start. Bad ECU? Would there not be a fuse to protect it? TIA, Kyle
put a niod light on it or a test light and see if it is getting a pulsating ground. if you check with a volt meter it will look like a hard ground. if your getting a pulsating ground and have power then the injectors are bad, you could also send power and ground to them to see if they will spray.

Actually you can use a meter if it is a cheap needle meter, you can see it bounce.

It should ground to fire