89 xj transfercase

Tranny in neutral right?

Sorry, but i had to ask.

If it really is stuck it may be a bent/broken shift fork inside and would need to be taken apart. Did you post this up on cherokee forum? this sounds familiar. either that, or its getting more common around here.
yes tranny is in neutral. i posted this on gulches forum also. one guy mentioned the linkage and a bushing...? it will drive all day long just fine in 4 low with no noises or anything, darn thing just will not budge at all from 4 low.
try driving at like 2 mph then shifting into neutral and then while still rolling try shifting the t-case
there is a pivot point on the transfer case that is seized up. I believe it has a torx head bolt in it. One you remove it, clean it with emroy and grease the grooves inside. It will work like a dream. To get back into 2wd climb under and tap the linkage at the pivot with a hammer. remember, tap, not hammer