Abandoned Campground #2 ...


Samurai Frogger
Mar 21, 2005
Stokes Co. NC
Blackvoodoo's post reminded me of the Half Moon Campground in Carolina Beach.
Anyone here remember that place?
That was the only place we would ever go for vacation ..... my parents and grandparents were going there before I was born and we went there until they closed for good.
They were in constant negotiations with somebody to sell ..... they would close, the deal fall through ... and they would open back up.
Being on the the waterway, less than 10 minutes from the docks and boardwalk and having water and electric on every site ... it was great.

Now the land is still there, empty. It seems it was bought and then just sat for years. Then it was bought again just so a small natural cove at the north end of the campground could be used for docking boats at condos on the other side of the cove.

What a waste!

Before my time, but would be interested in checking it out as headed down there Friday. You got a rough address, gps, or other landmarks?
Sorry I missed your post /dev/yj .... did you have a look anyway?

Naw, was so busy setting stuff up for the event, cooking, dealing with the rain, etc. never got a chance. I'll get back down there for some fishing later in the fall, so if you've got more info maybe send as a PM? thx! -ralph