AC evaporator in a 98 TJ


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Well, the leaks gotten bad enough it won't hold r134 for more than a few days.
Soo, I guess it's time to replace it.
(Prolly not this weekend, cause I'm lazy, maybe not the next either, cause, well, like I said. I'm lazy)

So that being said. Anyone here replaced one?
I have the FSM, and I understand it's going to be a HUGE PITA to get to. Take both airbags out, take the entire dash apart, etc etc etc.
My question is, what else should I plan on replacing while I have everything apart?
What cheapish parts in the dash area should I replace to avoid having to redo this in a year? Hoses, seals, gaskets, etc etc?

Thanks for any advice. (also reading the guys heater core issue made me think I should ask)
I'm planning on after I'm done taking it somewhere to get it evacuated/refilled.
Unless anyone on here has the stuff to do it for cheaper? :D
you'd know if the heater core was gone...within minutes the inside of your car smells like a bottle of coolant....not much preventative measure you can do except coolant system treatments

good luck w/ the evaporator...a friend did it and his only advice was make sure you have time and take PLENTY of digital pics as you go...will save you hours
what makes you think the evaporator is bad ? there several seals in the system , could be any one of those, The evaporator is the big $$$ part becasue of the labor involved. the rest can be fixed fairly quick and easy.

Have you taken it for a second opinion and or to someone you trust? what is the reasoning behind suspecting the evap core?
Not saying it's not bad, just a lot of work to find out it's not the problem ( not quite as easy of a diag as a heater core, but there are ways)
Oops, more information

Yes, it leaked all out about 2 summers ago, took it to someone I trust, they filled it, put a dye in it, it leaked out within an hour from the #@*@#)#@ valve (It failed when they filled it. or something) They and me cleaned all the dye from around the valve filled it again. It held for about a week.
Couldn't find any leaks anywhere. Based on that, we (primarily they) figured it was in the dash, whether it's the evaporator, or just a hose going into it, you couldn't see any dye anywhere)
I drove that summer with NO ac :(
Fat guy without AC= NOT very happy coworkers and lots of showers :D
Next summer I took it in again, (figured what the hell) they filled it, (it was low enough the compressor would short cycle, not completely out, but wouldn't get cold)
That time it actually held all summer. Towards the end of the summer it wasn't anywhere near as cold as it started, and then when I used the defroster in the winter, it was short cycling. (When I say short cycling it comes on for less than 3-5 seconds. then off for 15 or so, then back on)
This year I filled it, (been to lazy to drive over to Firestone) it works great for about 1-2 days per can. :D
While I am tempted to just hit it with a can on hot days, I'm VERY sure that's a GREAT way to blow up more than just what is leaking. :D

I figured I'd buy the part from Advance/Autozone/wherever, and if once I dismantled everything I see the leak isn't in the evap, but something else, then I'm coming out ahead?
But since the TJ's are sposed to be bad about developing a leak in their evaporator, I am assuming the "worse"

If anyone's got any other ideas where it could be leaking, that you wouldn't see the dye, lemme know. If it keeps me from taking apart the #@)(@#)( dash, there is a good dinner in it for you(and spouse/family if you have one)
When I was looking for an evaporator core a while back, I could only find one at the dealer. I have taken my dash apart to do the heater core before. You don't have to take the air bags out. It really isn't that bad of a dash to take out. I started at noon, was finished by 8 (and that was taking lots of breaks). If you run some dye in the system, and the evaporator is leaking, you may see some of the dye run out of the drain for the heater control box (pop the hood, look at the bottom left of the firewall, see the little nipple, it comes out of there).

If you have any questions about removing the dash, shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to answer them the best I can.

When I was looking for an evaporator core a while back, I could only find one at the dealer. I have taken my dash apart to do the heater core before. You don't have to take the air bags out. It really isn't that bad of a dash to take out. I started at noon, was finished by 8 (and that was taking lots of breaks). If you run some dye in the system, and the evaporator is leaking, you may see some of the dye run out of the drain for the heater control box (pop the hood, look at the bottom left of the firewall, see the little nipple, it comes out of there).
If you have any questions about removing the dash, shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to answer them the best I can.

Yea, that's the one issue that confuses me.
I always thought that's how you could tell it was an evaporator issue. I have a high dollar mod (a .49$ elbow thing from Lowes over the rubber plug to get it pointing down, it used to leak if I drove above 60) on the drain, and I haven't seen ANY traces of the dye, in the elbow or anywhere around there.
(well some traces still on the outside from where the valve sprayed everything, but NOTHING on the inside. )
I honestly have NFC where the hell the dye/r134 is going.

This is close enough to plumbing I should just give up, and pay the 1000$ to the dealership. (Yes, that was the quotes I got)
you probably already know most of this, but in case you dont, here it is straight from the Factory Service Manual. It's for a 97 an up XJ, but it should be basically the same for TJ's with a 4.0 and 2.5.

It has diagnosis as well as installation and repair for what you need.

DivShare File - EXJ_24.PDF
