AC Need Help

Any advice?

possibly put forth a little more effort in describing WHAT red light you are refering too ?

We are not magicians, and Creskin has the month off.

Maybe even year, make and model of said vehicle, so someone on this board has some remote clue as to WTF you are talking about ?
red is really full, or maybe a blockage or maybe the guage is broken.
how much refrigerant is in it? what are your pressures? is the compressor cycling? If you can't answer all 3 of these questions you can't fix it correctly. pay soemone $80 bucks and have them do it. drag it, vac it, charge it, dye it. problem solved or at least found.
and i hope you didn't put that freon from autozone or whereever that has stop leak in it.

That stop leak ruins my expensive recovery machine and gauges , so no one will want to work on it now