Hello, I’m new here and hope this is appropriate. I own a ford 2016 f-350. Its primary use is to pull out camper in the summer months. In the winter it’s Mumma’s salt ride. We had an odd problem with the front end pulling took it in and they replaced the hubs and rebuilt the front diff. They said I’m not using my four wheel drive enough and things got stuck and then broken. Here is my question I do use the 4 wheel drive a lot in the summer for slowly driving forest roads doing wildlife photography. I primarily use 4 low, as the speed at idle is perfect and I do not need to “ride” the brake all day. I know nothing about this topic could driving in 4 low for miles on dirt 2 tracks going 2 mph be damaging my truck? I usually shift out of low to make sharp turns or turn around at dead ends. thanks to all who respond