Advice needed


New Member
Feb 19, 2025
Hello, I’m new here and hope this is appropriate. I own a ford 2016 f-350. Its primary use is to pull out camper in the summer months. In the winter it’s Mumma’s salt ride. We had an odd problem with the front end pulling took it in and they replaced the hubs and rebuilt the front diff. They said I’m not using my four wheel drive enough and things got stuck and then broken. Here is my question I do use the 4 wheel drive a lot in the summer for slowly driving forest roads doing wildlife photography. I primarily use 4 low, as the speed at idle is perfect and I do not need to “ride” the brake all day. I know nothing about this topic could driving in 4 low for miles on dirt 2 tracks going 2 mph be damaging my truck? I usually shift out of low to make sharp turns or turn around at dead ends. thanks to all who respond
A friend of mine was helping me with some tree work a few years ago. I had put my 2010 F250 in 4 low to position the chipper. When we got done, I hopped in the bucket truck and drove home. He hopped in the F250 and headed home. Bucket truck was slow as molasses, but he never caught me. Took like 20-30 minutes for him to get back after I had already arrived. He couldn't get it to shift out of 4 low so he drove it 25 miles home in 4 low at redline at like 25mph. :laughing: (It's only funny because it didn't hurt a darn thing, except fuel mileage)
Hello, I’m new here and hope this is appropriate. I own a ford 2016 f-350. Its primary use is to pull out camper in the summer months. In the winter it’s Mumma’s salt ride. We had an odd problem with the front end pulling took it in and they replaced the hubs and rebuilt the front diff. They said I’m not using my four wheel drive enough and things got stuck and then broken. Here is my question I do use the 4 wheel drive a lot in the summer for slowly driving forest roads doing wildlife photography. I primarily use 4 low, as the speed at idle is perfect and I do not need to “ride” the brake all day. I know nothing about this topic could driving in 4 low for miles on dirt 2 tracks going 2 mph be damaging my truck? I usually shift out of low to make sharp turns or turn around at dead ends. thanks to all who respond
"Hubs" as is wheel hub or locking hub?? Be interested in knowing what got the hubs AND the diff.I mean I guess its possible but looks like the locking hub would have been the weak link,fuse if you will.Once it popped (in theory) it should have saved the diff from any damage in an open carrier.The diesel drag guys are running their trucks in 4wd at the track,your not gonna kill it @2mph in the woods.
"Hubs" as is wheel hub or locking hub?? Be interested in knowing what got the hubs AND the diff.I mean I guess its possible but looks like the locking hub would have been the weak link,fuse if you will.Once it popped (in theory) it should have saved the diff from any damage in an open carrier.The diesel drag guys are running their trucks in 4wd at the track,your not gonna kill it @2mph in the woods.
Remember the warn hub fuse ?
Remember the warn hub fuse ?
Yep.I never had a set or knew anybody that ran em but I remember seeing them advertised.