Air Compressor Setup


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2005
Winston Salem
Finally got a Filter/Regulator/Lubricator for my Garage AC. Instructions say to intall in that order. I don't think it would but could I run it Regulator/Filter/Lubricator?
It already has a Regulator that fits nicely into a faceplate, in order for me to run it by the instructions I would have to cut on the faceplate a little bit or run an extension.

filter before regulator, keeps crap out of regulator longer, it may not have it now, but there WILL be crap in the lines over time.

Also, you'd be better served to lube you tools yourself than an auto lubricator. ( it really isn't that tough)

With an inline lubricator, you'll have to flush the lines ( a PITA) if you ever decided to use the system for painting a vehilce or what ever. that and it makes the connectors a greasy mess over time.
Thanks Blkvoodoo,

I have zero intentions of painting, but if it happend I'd just buy another line(Actually I have a spare 50 ft now). I always lube them anyway, just thought it would be a good idea to have one in line. I'll take your advice on the order.
I'm with rbo. In-line lubricators are for the birds.

Also, make sure you pipe in at least one drain at the low point of your hard lines (if you are running hard lines).
They are referring to an inline oiler for tools and such. Not for the compressor. It has it's own lube system.
Don't forget to add a Franzinator.

Don't forget to add a Franzinator.


unless you plan on running a paint gun or a plasma , I wouldnt waste my time...