Alumaloy welding


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
I was watching TV the other day and saw this stuff called Alumaloy. Anyone ever heared of it? Its these sticks that you weld stuff with and all you need is an ordinary blowtorch. You heat the meatel to 500 and the stuff welds as easy as solder would. Im askin about this because Im wondering if id be strong enough to be used to weld perches or somethin. It seems too good to be true to me, but I am interested in it. So has anyone ever used this stuff on their truck? Tell me.
Yeah, looks cool at first glance. But expensive. I don't think it is reliable enough to use it for anything structural. Maybe to repair a hole in a radiator or something.
I have used it at the shop to fix pin holes in aluminum fuel tanks. But its not much good for any item that is load bearing.
