another lesson learned the hard way


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
When changing your own oil, make sure the rubber o-ring is still attached to the oil filter you are removing from your vehicle.

I changed mine over the weekend. Didn't look at the old filter, so I didn't know the o-ring had come off of the old filter and stuck to the jeep. I screwed the new filter on, poured in 6 qts of oil, cranked it up, and quickly blew 4 qts of 10W-30 all over the jeep and driveway because even though the new filter was tight, it didn't make a seal since the old o-ring was in the way.

Well, at least I always crank it up after an oil change instead of waiting until next time I drive it!
havent we had this before?
lmao im glad it happens to people other then my employes.
double seal is one of the biggest claims in the lube bussines

I did a double gasket when I worked for a quick lube place, and it let go as i was standing under it I was covered in oil.. I learned that lesson. I always double check that surface before i put a filter on.
I always clean off and look at the area where the new gasket will seal. I also put a small amount of lube on the new gasket sealing surface before putting on the new filter. I thought everyone did this.

:shaking:At least you didnt forget the drain plug. Talk about feeling extra stupid that morning.
On a similar note, I was having trouble w/ my oil PSU reading, so I removed the stock sensor, and threaded in an aftermarket mechanical one.
Cranked it up - that's odd, no reading, turned off real quick.

oil everywhere.

I'd threaded the new sensor into the wrong hole in the block... turns out 22r has a few extras that are pre=threaded threaded but not completely tapped through. Doh!
Every time I saw that stain on the driveway I kicked myself a little.
Some guys I went to college with changed the oil in a car in the shop one time, forgot to put the drain plug in. Needless to say the instructor wasn't very happy about 6 quarts od syn. blend oil on the floor...

I witnessed that in HS auto shop too, that dude never lived that one down. I wouldnt have expected watching someone pour oil on the floor would be so funny :lol: