Any Honda Mechs. out there?


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
Hey guys, I have a 95 civic ex 1.6L, 5spd. that is driving me crazy.

I pulled it in the shop running to replace the slave cylinder. Figured while I was at it I'd change the timing belt cause it was roughly 200,000 miles over due. Any way, I brought the motor up to TDC, lined all the marks up, and changed the belt. I turned the motor a couple revolutions and rechecked the marks, everthing looked good. Put it back together. I then tried to fire it up no go. Did some checking, I had stuck the plug wires down in the head, but had not pushed them all the way on. no big deal, pushed them on, still no start. So, I pulled the plugs, cleaned them and tried it again, nothing.

I then pulled it back apart, redid the timing belt at TDC, nothing. I tried it 1 tooth advanced and retarded on the cam pully. nothing. I put it back at TDC and installed a new set of plugs, still nothing.

I have checked the coil. it was alittle out of spec. but still good. Even tried a new one, nothing. I have not tested the ignition module yet.

What have I done? I did replace the slave cylinder. I also changed the speed sensor. It had gone bad several years ago.

I don't know what else to try. any help is appreciated.
You positive you got the plug wires right on the distributer cap? After I got done rebuilding a b18 i started to fire it up and it would just turn over and never start....everything was right except my gave me a good scare
Have you checked to see if you have spark? Just pull one of the wires off of the cap and see if it arcs between the cap and wire.

The firing order on these is 1,3,4,2,
Yes the firing order is right, I have spark on all 4 plugs, and I'm getting plenty of fuel. Oh and no rags in the intake (i checked:rolleyes:) I'm at my wits end. by looking at it everything is right and it should fire it just won't.

Keep the Q's coming. Thanks
Check the Ignition module. I believe on that motor its under the distributor cap. If ANYTHING arc'd while you were working on the car that is usually something that will fry.
Thinking out side the box a bit.
I'm no honda mechanic just wondering.

You replaced the slave cylinder.
Where is the safety switch?
Is it possible that the switch is not being depressed now and not allowing it to fire.
I'll check the ignition module today.

The saftey switch is at the pedal (I think) and it seams to be working. It will not crank ( turn over ) unless you depress the clutch pedal.

Are you sure that you have the timing set right. Make sure that no.1 cyl. is up when the crank is at tdc. You might have the crank out 180.

And pray that you didn't have the timing set wrong and while trying to start and bent the valves.
You said it had spark, so not the ignition module. If you have you have fuel, maybe your fuel pump just took a shit.

I have fuel. Everytime I crank it, it fuel fouls the plugs.
Here's what I did the last time I checked it to be sure it was right.

With the timing belt on I rotated the engine conter clock wise. while watching the intake valves on #1 pistion. once they opened and started to close ( indicating compression stoke correct?) I stuck a rod in the spark plug hole and stoped the piston at the top. TDC, should be right ? I checked the timing marks and they all lined up. The cam pully has 4 marks on it. The word "up" at the top, 2 horizonal lines that line up with the surface of the head, and one more mark at about 6:30-7:00 that lines up with a mark on the inner timing cover. They were all right. the crank has an arrow on the lower timing gear at about 1:00 that points to a mark on the block. It was right.

I also thought I might be 180 out, so I pulled the Dizy cap. The rotor button was lined up with the #1 terminal.
It may be 180 out, but I can't see how. Any insite, did I go about it wrong? thanks.
does it have compression? does it have fuel pressure? (you can't assume proper pressure just beacuse plugs are fouled)

If you lined up the marks on the belt and THEN took it off and put the new one on it would be pretty hard to mess up
Yea, check the compression. If you've got fuel you may have washed down the cyl walls. Try putting a bit of oil in the spark plug holes to reseal them. Just be sure it's outside when you try to start it cause it'll smoke like a freight train.
Are you sure that you are looking at no.1 cyl.? If you are looking down at the engine from the front of the car. the Cylinders go left to right 4,3,2,1.
if you have fuel and fire, then either your injectors arent firing or no compresion. If you spray ether carb cleaner in it and it hits its the injectors. Also i have seen the rotor button on hondas spin loosely as the bolt has fallen out, it will still send spark but obviosuly not accurate spark.

Sounds to me like you have it in time. if you do a compresion test if it is out of time then it will almost always show up.
Yes, looking at #1 for sure. Far right next to the timing belt.

How would I go about checking the fuel pressure? I haven't noticed a shrader valve on any of the fuel lines. Where Can I hook the gauge.

I will do a compression test today. What are normal compression numbers for these motors.

Thanks guys
Oh I tried some ether. tried in each cylinder and them just in the intake. Nothing changed either way.
is there not a pressure relief valve right by the fuel rail? it's been a while since I've had a Honda so I may be wrong. how long has it been sitting?
Maybe, I'll have to look. I drove it in the shop and it has been down maybe a month give or take.
i don't think your getting spark just my opinion froim far away. Do a compresion test. Your looking fo 150psi give or take a few you want them all with in 10psi of each other. pull all th plugs disable fuel and igntion system
if that valve (that may not be the correct term for it, but that's what I call it :p) is there (should have a valve stem-looking end on it so you can press the middle like on a tire), you can check the pressure that way. turn the key to the ON position and leave it there. depress that little valve...just watch your eyes. my MX-6 had one of those on it (I know, I know, it's not a Honda...but it's an idea!) and I want to say my Integra had one too.

*edit* I wanted to say you wanted at least 120 lbs of compression in each cylinder but didn't want to be way too high or way too low. looks like I wouldn't have been TOO far off. like he said though, just as long as they're within 10 lbs or so of each other, but you don't want less than 120.
Here's somthing that I just thought of (maybe nothing) When I changed the plugs , It almost hit the first couple cranks you know a couple good "fufffumps" then it went back to cranking like it had no fire just cranking. Cylinders flooded I'm sure but....? I'll look for the shrader valve.

Edit.. Just saw the "NO need to check the fuel presure"