Any Trials Motorcycle guys around...shops?...

Will Carter

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
I've never seen a trials motorcycle in person...I think I could hurt myself pretty good on one...anyone ride trials? Anyone know if there's a dealership/shop for some trials bikes around?
I have a buddy who was national champion back ten years or so ago...I rode his several times on the rock pile, a freaking blast. I'm sure I've since become to old,fat and unbalanced to do it again. I saw a guy ride one all over gaurdrail at Tellico a few years back, but have never any shops that cater to them.
I know that Gas Gas makes some trials bikes.. and the Yamaha dealership here in town is also a Gas Gas dealership (actually have a friend that is a representative for Gas Gas/ races for them). I'm sure they could get you headed in the right direction.