Anybody around here do alternator work?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
Anyone around here able to make high output alternators for a stock casing or something? I know some people can do this and was just curious as to whether or not someone on here has had this done and where, trying to see if it's cheaper to pay someone to revamp one or to just buy an aftermarket.
there is a guy in York named Steve Black that owns Blacks Generator shop, which has sicn turned into a full service auto repair business that does custom alternator work.

He turned my GM up but in the end I wish I had just bought an aftermarket one.
there is a guy in York named Steve Black that owns Blacks Generator shop, which has sicn turned into a full service auto repair business that does custom alternator work.

He turned my GM up but in the end I wish I had just bought an aftermarket one.

Because of cost, quality or performance?
Performance was great, never an isssue.
Price was a bit cheaper and the guy warrants his work for 1 year.
Quality, well it was a 30 year old alternator with new guts no complaints there.

Thing was I spent within $25 of a new one, and only had a 1 year warranty. With the environment that we put vehicles in they dont last too long... Looking back I could have got a 3 year warranty , picked it up off the shelf and if there was a problem send it back and get a new one.

As it was I waited 3-4 days to get it built and then both times it needed repair another 3-4 days....