
Contact a body shop. That particular type I have no experience with, but,...
My dad had a Buick Station wagon that had the wood grain on the sides. The car was hit a couple of times and some of the grain stuff had to be replaced. Was pretty expensive from what I remember. Cheaper to paint it if you have much to replace
LF fender of my Grand Wagoneer (fullsize) got whacked one time (an entertainment center fell off of oncoming truck). Insurance co. was slow dealing at first, didn't want to allow for a ripple in the hood, etc. I pointed out that on the 'gooners, the pattern in the woodgrain is continuous from panel to panel. If they replaced just the fender, it would not match up. When the adjuster figured out it's about $3500 to replace all the woodgrain (to return my vehicle to pre-accident condition), he became real agreeable real fast on anything I wanted done. :)

edit: Oh, to maybe answer your question, at that time (and remember, mine was a FSJ), you could order all the different vinyl parts from Jeep.