Anyone from Raleigh doing Uhwarrie this weekend?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
I'm purchasing a locker and a set of gears from a member (Gubni) that is coming down from TN to Uhwarrie this weekend and was wondering if someone in Raleigh area would be interested in a $20 for troubles of bringing my stuff to Raleigh? I'd rather pay someone local a $20 if possible than Mr. UPS. Not bad pay for about an hour's worth (at most) of simple troubles of your time.

Just getting the thought out there! PM if interested,
I may be there Saturday with a buddy trying out his stock CJ

I was looking for something definate. Didn't want Gubni hauling a locker and set of gears around Uhwarrie if he didn't have to.
I may just pay shipping and be done with it since I'm starting to run short on time now for coordinating a third party relay team by tomorrow. Was just an idea to try to keep some money in the club. Might be alot more troublesome than it's even worth?
But thanks to all that replied! I'm sure you can see my dellima in all the directions of "What if's" that could happen during this idea.
im friends with gubni and ill be at ure all this weekend. i can pick it up from him, but you will have to drive to greensboro to pick it up. do not reply , i will not be back on here until mon. let gubni know or call 336-669-6956 mike
woops, I didn't actually read the whole first post. I thought you were just wanting to wheel with your new gear. sorry man.
Thanks tremendously Broncomania, but that would only mean that I would have to buy something else from you if I drove to Greesboro. You've ALWAYS got something cool for sale.:smokin:
I've decided to just pay shipping.
6BangBronk said:
Thanks tremendously Broncomania, but that would only mean that I would have to buy something else from you if I drove to Greesboro. You've ALWAYS got something cool for sale.:smokin:
I've decided to just pay shipping.

just trying to help.