Anyone got an "in" at a school (elementary)


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
My wife (Duke Ph.D grad student, clinical psychology) is doing her dissertation research, and the response to a packet asking for participation has been very low so far.. Low enough that she won't have enough data to do valid research, which means.. no degree.. :(

I believe it was ~3rd graders (EDIT: 8th graders - I'm an idiot) who were asked to get this packet and take it home.. their parents read it over, and check and yes or no box, and the students bring the forms back. out of 20, only 5 returned the forms. 4/5 said yes.

I need to put her in touch with someone, and she can explain it FAR better than I.

If anyone has a point of contact I could put her in touch with, it would be GREATLY appreciated..
PM sent, but my buddy's reply was amusing enough for me to post part of it here for everyone to read:

"Oh and tell him whatever he does, NOT to hit up jeep guys for participation. It's a data confound. It'd kind be like surveying all conservatives to find out what the country's view on abortion is. :p

Anyhow, have him drop me a line, we'll see what we can do with it."

Anywho, sending you another PM with an email addy.
Rich maybe you would have more response from some home Schooling parents I can I know several people who home school and they are much more involved with there kids, so it might work better.
My wife is a 4th grade teacher. I might be able to talk her into it, keep in mind she is crazy busy right now and don't know for sure that she would have time to do it.

Would 4th graders work?
CRAP.. It's 8th grade. I'm a dumbass.

But THANK YOU very very much for everyone's offers.. At the very least, it raised her spirits and hope..
A day in the life at the Quinlan household...

...uh huh, yes dear... that is fascinating, really (hmm, 110" or 115"...maybe if I...)

oh sure, yeah I could totally ask the guys..( maybe 112.5", that could be the new hotness..)...

sure yeah no problem, some of them will be glad to help (..hey was that a bike that just went by, sounds like a ricer, heh, bet he is a poser boy...)

ok, yep got it hon!!

and to actually be HELPFUL, wife works at a local charter school, she is behavior asst, they do have an EIGHTH grade, if one of the above does not work for some reason, I can give you her email. It would need to get run by the principal obviously, but I know UNCG has quite a few speech folks come in each week, etc.
A day in the life at the Quinlan household...
...uh huh, yes dear... that is fascinating, really (hmm, 110" or 115"...maybe if I...)
oh sure, yeah I could totally ask the guys..( maybe 112.5", that could be the new hotness..)...
sure yeah no problem, some of them will be glad to help (..hey was that a bike that just went by, sounds like a ricer, heh, bet he is a poser boy...)
ok, yep got it hon!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That was great!

Actually, I came up with this idea during my monthly millisecond of genius, all-by-my-self. This is what I get for posting before confirming the details with the smart one in the family though. (Though if I splay the uppers at the frame, it would give me the triangulation I need, hmmm)
at least 8 and 3 kind of look a like?
I mean you can just blame it on a shoddy toner cartridge right?

Fortunately the guy whose email I gave you is just a "child" psychologist, so they have 8th graders too. :D

(And some of us grownups, at least he keeps telling my wife that they DO have medication that could make me bearable.)

Also the "insight" into Rich's thought process was great.