Anyone have an ATV/tractor pulled bush hog?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Winston Salem, NC
I need a tractor but its not in the cards for the time being.

I have about 20 acres of fields with tractor/truck and deer paths I want to keep mowed. Im not looking to keep the full 20 mowed but looking to just mow the paths mainly for hunting. My fields have mix of weeds, grasses, briars and small trees(>1/2"). I currently have it bush hogged 2-3 times a year but my guy is busy this time of year cutting hay so Im looking at tow behind bush hogs for 4 wheelers. Does anyone have one? How good do they work.

FYI the grass is anywhere between waist the shoulder high now.

I used to use the one my brother had to keep the 6 acre field cut that I used to have and I loved it. It had a 25 hp engine on it with I think a 72" cut and never bogged down. Think about it, if you had a riding mower with the same specs it has to cut and push your behind while doing it. With this all the power is going solely to the blades. I would highly recommend one for someone that had some acreage where a small tractor wasn't in the budget. It also worked great for cutting shooting lanes in the woods behind the house for hunting.