Anyone know Alexb1667?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
High Point
we made a transaction and he didn't follow through with an agreement. need some info
i saw that, but he hasn't contacted me.

i know he lives in concord, a mile off of exit 55
google his name. he is on a few other forums. someones bound to know him.
Wow really? I just completed a transaction with him a week or so ago and things went flawlessly. Hope it gets straightend out. :beer:
i've been in the hospital since sunday evening and was released this afternoon. i had a farengial (sp) throat absess. sorry i did not feel like dealing with this bullshit until now.

anyways, never did i say the transmission was 2wd until i gave it to you after i drove an hour to deliver it to you. and never did you ask for a 4wd. you took it KNOWING that it was 2wd and said "i should be able to cut down the tailshaft and make it fit". sorry, that sucks, i hate it for you, but you took it knowing what it was and thats what you get.


ps. also the rude and intimidating voicemails, pm's, and emails WILL stop.
partially true. i will let you fill in the rest of the story.

as i said, he is a nice kid. that is why i am surprised this happened
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