Anyone near Hickory with an Impact Wrench?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Gotta get these rusty ass screws outta my roll bar on the jeep (installing a new sound bar)

any help would be appreciated!
Ditto, anything you can slip on the end for leverage will work - pipe, bicycle hand bars, even thick pvc...

Worst case, if still looking for tools and feel like driving to Lewisville, I'll help ya out.
BTW, if you haven't already, invest i na can of PB blaster and pre-soak 'em first. It works wonders.
PM me your phone #, and we can set something up for this coming week

I work off of 127 in Viewmont, I have a big air compressor and plenty of air tools
Go to northern tool and buy an electric will make your life much less miserable. Otherwise, I've got one here in morganton and I'll be home for a week.