anyone running thornbirds???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2006
Aliso Viejo, CA
I'm trying to decide on a set of 35" thornbirds on a trade. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them? can you grove them to work better?
yea, i've read that review before. I'm starting to think I might not get them. I wonder if you grooved the crap out of them would they be a good trail/rock tire.
Unless you are making tire swings for your kids I would avoid the Thornturds.
They work real well in the mall environment.
Ride nice. Quiet on the street. The huge side lugs will even get you over a curb.
btw - I've always heard them called Thorn:poop:
Thornturds are the most aggressive looking tire that does nothing. OK for a DD I guess but not good for the trail. I am surprised they are still made. Somewhere I guess the have a need for such tire. If you live around here chances are you will never see a place where they shine, unless you use Armoural on them!
They suck
I have a friend with pins in his arm cause not one but two blew out doing 35 on a dirt road.

I have seen people run them on the sand and do ok
Had some come on a Vehicle I bought once.
Nice big ones.
44s, which I dont think they even make anymore.

I gotta say, they were surprisingly quiet, and tracked truer than shit, I mean I could take my hands off the wheel and not even play ditch truck pinball.

But I tried to go offroad once and they SUCKED azz. I had to get a tow truck to get me off my front lawn...
I don't know what you're talking about.. they're awesome tires.
well, its 11 to 1. and i'm pretty sure rich is pulling my leg.

maybe i'll just get some tsl's or some iroks
They aren't even that great on road. Suck horribly in wet weather, and one of my old roommate's lost a whole tread block cruising down the highway. Back when I lived in Al, they were all the rage. Might try going back and selling them in the 90's. :flipoff2:
The only off road traction you can get is when the sidewall is against the side of a rut. It isn't that great then.
ok, we have 13 negative responses...who else thinks they suck? You would think they would quit making them if nobody likes them.
They occupy the the same niche' as Dick Cepeck Fun Countrys, Denman Ground Hogs, and Truxus STS's. They were a big, sweet-looking tire that worked great on mall-crawlers and wanna-be mud trucks with 12" of block lift and duct-taped drag links. They may work well in the sand and deep snow, but around here they have been proven pretty much worthless. They still sell them because much, if not most, if Interco's money is made on trucks that never see the dirt. They still make a shit-ton of money from that crowd, and the ladies love the big sidebiters. Would you quit making them? The only way I could see them being worth getting is if somebody is giving you a SMOKING deal, and you don't wheel much. Otherwise, don't waste your money.
not to stray too far from the main topic, but what's wrong with the truxus sts? that's my planned next tire for my one cherokee when the time comes. I use it mainly at the beach and some dunes, and i thought those tires would be great for sand, so why the hate?
I was looking for something more aggresive than my BFG Muds. I guess i'll be looking for something else.
offroad, its hard to beat IROKS(imo)

I won a set of truxus tires and run them on trail a couple of times before trading them for the IROKS. They seemed to do fine, I just wanted the roks. They were the mud type, not the sts.
OK, I'll admit it. Once upon a time I had a set of T-turds, went to Tellico after a good rain, couldn't get 'em to even climb the old ledge on T5. Grooved 'em (yep, with the chain saw) and they still wouldn't climb the ledge wet, no matter what angle you tried, even risking axle joints by turning the side lugs WAY into the ledge. I got to thinking, "Well, what the hell, they're NOT round, flex like a six inch concrete floor even with 3 pounds of air, they beat the shit outta me all the way up here, and I can't even give 'em away now, so what's not to like about 'em?" I think Rich was along on that run....... he'll remember the cussin'......

If anybody thinks Turds are a cool tire, I've got some pictures of the Interco blimp I'll sell ya at a bargain.
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