Anyone Surf fish? (shark)

Green ford

Active Member
Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh when not on the Beach Fishing
I love surf fishing and do fish for sharks from time to time but never any near this size! This was caught in Fla. this week.

Here's the story..
I generally don't read those all the way to the end but this one was well written and action packed, lots of fun! Thanks for the link!
I generally avoid reading long articles, but that was pretty awesome, now I want to try it...
Makes me want to go trolling for bait so I can try that....may have to tie my narrow ass to the truck to stand a chance, but that looks like a rush...
Thats why I don't go in the ocean very often....Im not top of the food chain anymore as soon as I step in....
All I've gotten so far are the small guys. Gonna try to take the kayak and put out some big bait this weekend...:D

we caught right many that size cobia fishing yesterday off of morehead. before i went out my buddies hooded up on an 8ft tiger shark..... he got to keep the hook hahaha

we caught a 48lb cobia that my buddy got a citation for tho :huggy: