aparently i missed the note...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2005
Concord, NC
there is only one reason i am awake right now.

that reason is there was a note asking me to take the dogs out last night when i got home. a poorly placed note which fell from it's perch and floated to the ground, to lie face down beside the recycling bin in the garage.

a note i was informed of while i was taking the clothes my dog :poop: all over sometime during the night outside to hose off.

people i'm talking some terrible :poop:.

you know it's bad when it smells so bad it wakes you up. as soon as my room stops smelling like the inside of a monkeys butt i'm going back to bed.

Dagum thats a bad way to wake up!
I always said the best comedians pull from life, twist it, and deliver it in just such a way.

Pissing on a wheel to extinguish a fire.........

Cat pissing all over you Jeep........

and now, the dog shit......

I think Larry the cable guy needs to read this forum to get material.

Ya just can't make this stuff up!