ARB air locker question


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Kernersville NC
Ok my girlfriend just bought a 93 4runner with a SAS and it has ARB's front and rear. There is a Viair compressor in the back instead of an arb compressor. None of the electrical stuff is hooked up and the air lines are not hooked up. I am trying to do this myself but im not sure how to get the Viair compressor hooked up to the lockers. Has anyone on here done it this way and can tell me how, or is there anyone in the Winston, Kernersville, Greensboro area that would take a look at it and help me out this weekend. Any info or help would be appreciated.
What is there, what is not. Was this ever hooked up before?
The list goes on...

Without a lot more info, it is hard to say what all you are going to need to hook this thing up. And take a lot of typing by BBS or e-mail.

But, my shop is only about 40 minutes from Walnut Cove, and I do have some ARB lines, fittings and solenoids in stock.
I will be here this weekend and would be glad to look it over for you.
Bring it up, I am sure we can get you going or at least pointed in the right direction.

Or give me a call and I might be able to give you some pointers to get you started.