artillery (shotgun) fungus - (black dots on cars and house)


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC

good pics here pages/Sphaerobolus stellatus.htm

Ok so I got this junk in my one flower bed. It's seems to be a text book example, north side, mulch is 2+ years old, blah blah.. It's attacked by white van and I'm looking for a way to get it off the van. I've tried some solutions I've found online. (tide, TSB, clorox, water) My next step is to find a way to hit it with some steam..

Was just wondering if anyone has dealt with it.. I'm removing the old mulch it seems to be isolated to one area. It's far enough away (~13') that its only hitting a very small patch on my house and its filthy with mold and dirt so I'm surprised anything stuck to that.. My van though gets parked right next to the area and has been blasted...

Help !!
hmm apparently i have this, i kept wondering what these little black spots were on the back of my white truck, they were a bitch to get off if left for a few weeks, but it i got to them within a few days they werent too bad, pissed me off because i would wash wax it, 2 days later i walk out, havent even drove and theres little spots on the bedside facing the yard,

id really like to find out how to get rid of it now that i know what it is, the nearest mulched area to my truck is ~20 feet away though, although it is towards the corner that always gets hit, and it is a light spray, but always the same general area, apparently they like white
Well I'm not worried about 'killing' them, my solution is to remove the mulch. I plan to put down some pine straw in that area.. This junk sounds nasty, it can remain dormant for 10+ years and re grow.

Its completely my fault because in the past I've mulched yearly and that seems to be a factor in it NOT growing. My much is old and white and in fact I've seen those little things growing, but just didn't know what they were...

They like white or reflective surfaces, they think its the sun or somthing...

Ya some seem to wash off easy others, well..... im still working on them :) (why I'm asking)

I've tried MEK, Acetone, and other progressivly harsher items, I read something about the hot water/steam so I will try that before I do harm to the paint..
I've seen this stuff before and I believe I have some now. I never knew or really cared what it was though. Freaky. Time for new mulch.