AT Fluid in a Manual T5 CJ


Active Member
Jul 4, 2009
I've had the Jeep since it was new in 1984 and have had no problem with the trans except for one quirk ... when the temparatures drop below freezing it simply will not shift into 2nd gear until the transmission itself warms up for a few miles.

Some years back a trans shop suggested AT fluid instead of oil. This fixed the problem for about 3 years until the dealer saw it, drained the AT fluid and replaced it with the correct oil. Problem returned.

I wouldn't care except that my son is now old enough to drive and I don't want him stuck in neutral for even a second when pulling out onto the highway.

Any ideas?
I'd put ATF back in it and roll out.
According to dealers, T-5's take a "special oil". Known to the rest of us as ATF.

Side note, if your t-5 loses some some trans oil from a near roll, and you fill it up with power steering fluid, you just might ruin the tranny trying to get home.
What a crock! I checked with 2 editions of Chilton's and it seems the dealer's repair crew didn't know what belonged in their own transmission. Too bad that was some years back. Good thing we don't have a lot of freezing weather in this part of NC. Thanks for all the help! (I'll refer the dealer to you guys next time).
ATF came in those trannys. I use 15w-50 SYNTHETIC motor oil in the ones I service/rebuild. I think it offers better lubrication that ATF.