Automatic or Manual

The auto is easier to drive. The biggest advantage with an auto that you can keep from rolling back while climbing after you have stopped have way through. You can powerbrake and not roll back. You can do the same with a manual but it is more difficult. I learned to not let off and stay in forward motion untill I'm in a position where I'm not as likely to roll back. I mostly ride at URE's and I like driving my Manual truck better verses my old auto truck. I like the added difficulty level. You have more control of you rig. With the disadvantages there are also some advantages with a manual. When going down steep hills you can pick a low gear and not have to just the brakes as much as you would in an auto. There are some days where I wish I had an auto but they are less than the days that I like the manual. It is mainly personal preferance.
Auto by far. On hill climbs manuals debate which gear and have to try a few times. Then it's rarely right for the entire hill.
Been driving a sm465 for years, gonna switch out to an auto this winter. Sucks to shift all day opn the trail with a torn rotater cup.
Auto by far. On hill climbs manuals debate which gear and have to try a few times. Then it's rarely right for the entire hill.
I've seen that be a problem with autos more than manuals. I guess it depends a lot on the driver too.
As long as the gearing and power is there I am partial to the manual. When the setup is right the only question is tire speed. I try the obstacle in 1st. If that won't do it I just grab 2nd and hold on. I like picking the gear at the start of an obstacle and just having to concentrate on the line I will take after that.
coke or pepsi ?

personal preference is the deciding factor. I don't think one is better than the other. I used to argue manuals are the best all around but am switching to an auto in the buggy, so we'll see.

manual: cheap, durable, and reliable and can still get you home if a gear fails or if the clutch fails
auto: easy to use and durable if built right, but not cheap (relative) to build right for wheeling. if it fails on the trail, you are SOL
I spent most of my life driving manual vehicles. Outside of the wifes cars, I'd never owned an auto until I bought the Moss.

Make mine AutoMAGIC! :lol:
Love my auto.
Limited upgrade/t-case options, heat is a problem for osme vehicles... but crawling along by 1 foot is the shizzit.
Last weekend I was able to let my nephew (13) drive offroad a bit, which he absolutely loved. Never would have happened on a 5 spd.
Never had an auto 4X4 till I bought the Cherokee. Only really wheeled it in the snow. It sucked. Had to use too much brake.
As Rob said, cheaper, and more reliable. Many times I have seen an auto on such a steep incline it lost fluid, and wouldn't turn. Seen several burned up and towed back to the trailer. All of these things tells me I don't want an auto.
That said, not needing the extra foot would be nice on some stuff.
I will stay with the Manual as long as I can.
manual. I have a ZF 5 speed, 5.8:1 and a .80 OD now i have no love for autos at all unless its a DD. I killed 3 E40ds so I am quite jaded at Ford autos. Yes the C6 is the best ford auto but I liked the OD at the time. I had so much more power after the swap due to the parasitic loss. It honestly felt more like an engine swap than a new tranny.
auto with a full manual valve body and an electrically held lock up solenoid.

Works for me
That said, not needing the extra foot would be nice on some stuff.

Tried using a hand throttle yet?

I drive a manual, and wont drive an auto ever again. Its just not as fun.

That said, if you drive with alot of auto guys, sometimes they dont realize exactly what a PITA it is to be stopped on the middle of a hill. Used to wheel with a guy who drove an auto cherokee, and the moron would stop for no apparent reason on steep inclines. I told him time and time again to keep going until he gets somewhere level to stop :shaking:. Even worse when some other auto guy stops 6 inches from your rear bumper.
Used to wheel with a guy who drove an auto cherokee, and the moron would stop for no apparent reason on steep inclines.

The reason? Because with an automatic, he CAN stop on a hill WITHOUT doing the 3-leg shuffle! Who's da moron now? :lol:

Even worse when some other auto guy stops 6 inches from your rear bumper.

Tried using a hand throttle yet? :flipoff2:
The reason? Because with an automatic, he CAN stop on a hill WITHOUT doing the 3-leg shuffle! Who's da moron now? :lol:
Tried using a hand throttle yet? :flipoff2:

Haha. Thats on the list to install eventually. I dont do enough wheeling with it to really need one though.

I had talked to him many times about it. He would stop for absolutely no reason at all, sometimes in places where it was not the best for me to roll back at all.
Autos are for people with little to no coordination.:flipoff2:

Driving a manual has become second nature to me, like when I drive my Duramax (first auto I've owned) I am constantly reaching for the shifter.:shaking: only to get a strange look from the passenger.

Manual for me.