Barack and Spam


Hasnt Seen Dirt in Years
Dec 30, 2005
Winston Salem
Anyone else getting spam email from Obama? i wanna know who and how much he paid to get my email address.
Is it the one where he shows how he is doing so well in the polls by not soliciting funds to help his campaign? Then at the end it gives you a link to send donations?
I seriously doubt it is actually from "him" or his campaign, they know that would make them look bad.
yeah, it says its from David Ploughe, his campaign manager.
yeah, it says its from David Ploughe, his campaign manager.

That dosn't mean it is.

I get spam from Bill Gates all the time.
i get it from both, hate all of it, and have sent back saying, regardless of whom; that i will never vote that party again... and still get it.