BDOR Event Photos


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Home:Kernersville Work:Greensboro
okay people I left the event at 1:00?? and here are the photos that I got.





Nice fun day....Andy your rig looks tough!!! Party at your house later! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
I enjoyed today a lot. I got to meet a lot of people I had only known on here. Always great to put names and faces to the screen name. Biggest problem is a bad case of CRS so, I may act as though I just met you the next time we meet!

We got to introduce our products, and received a warm welcome. Thanks to all that bought, and also to those that inquired.

Was pleasantly surprised that my burger was as good as it was. Not often you go to things like this and there is decent food.

Hats off to Dave, I appreciate the PC!

Thanks also to Kevin for the drive shaft and jeep stuff. My friend will be glad to get the DS

Hope everyone had as good a time as we did, look forward to the next one.

Chip and Jeremy (K.O.R.E.)
i wish i could have made it. my 460 broke a valve spring last night around 4am in the morning. ill get it fixed this week.
Thanks BD, had a great time. Collected some damage and got to see some friends. Wanna give a shoutout to KC for dragging me up the hill, and Sheldon for making it fun enough to keep me at the bottom :). Tube fenders coming soon....
Another thanks to BD. That was my first wheeling trip away from the house with the new truck. Everything worked great. See everybody at the next one.
Sorry for the post being "BDR" instead of "BDOR" I'm was in a hurry to get the pictures loaded and missed the spelling on a few things..regardless had a good time, would like to see a longer mud pit and more rocks. Also I think that more publicity and better signage would be great. I almost missed it again. Need a sign in the median of business 85 with a BIG arrow!

I will volunteer to help with this stuff for next year!
Sorry for the post being "BDR" instead of "BDOR" I'm was in a hurry to get the pictures loaded and missed the spelling on a few things..regardless had a good time, would like to see a longer mud pit and more rocks. Also I think that more publicity and better signage would be great. I almost missed it again. Need a sign in the median of business 85 with a BIG arrow!
I will volunteer to help with this stuff for next year!

Spelling fixed :)
here are a few of the green XJ in the rock garden... you really had to be there to appreciate it.

Also, just a quick question about the Maroon XJ on 39.5" Iroks... Has it ever been offroad? No offense but it looked nice, was built well, but looked like it had a waxed undercarriage. AND, was not running a front DS, no Bumpstops, and if it flexed more than a few inches it would rip off all the fenders?





Thanks for postin those uncc, I know Chris was looking for em. I had my camera, but obviously you can see my face in that first pic spotting, I didn't have time to take any pics lol :) He ended up wasting a tie rod, and his exhaust has a few good kinks in it. We got a tie rod later that day, and a new exhaust is in the works.
The way he beat that thing through there im supprised its only a tie rod... Good show!

Just think he had about the same amount of trouble as that Unlimited Rubi above and its locked F&R w/ 4:1 and 35's.
