Best yoke size for half ton.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
Canton, nc
I will be putting together a hp 44 and 9" under my Chevy just wondering which yoke and u joint would be best. Thanks for any input. Should this be in the newbie thread?

Sent from optimus prime
I'm a big fan of 1310's because they break easier, all the auto parts stores have them, your buddies with jeeps will have spares, and they are cheap.
I'd agree with the above for the same reasons. While 1330 is an intermediate step, a 1350 is the only thing I would upgrade to if I was going to do it. But then the entire driveshaft, yokes, etc are all much larger and heavier.

Switching to a driver's drop huh? Sounds like a project.
I'm going to adapt a Ford np 205 or some other drivers side t case to a th350. I had plans on swapping tubes then I read up on it and changed my mind real quick like.

Sent from optimus prime
It'd be easiest to use an NP241 from an 88-98 Chevy. It's driver's drop, can get them in manual shift, and you can do an SYE on the back if you like. They're pretty tough cases too. I'm running one in my SAS Silverado.
Oh ok that's pretty cool. What's the low gear ratio on that case

Sent from optimus prime
Yep. It's either 2.69 or 2.71/2.72....30-35% lower gearing than a 205.
It'd be easiest to use an NP241 from an 88-98 Chevy. It's driver's drop, can get them in manual shift, and you can do an SYE on the back if you like. They're pretty tough cases too. I'm running one in my SAS Silverado.

Not to Hijack but....what output are you running on the front ? I have the same case in my Cummins/YJ and want to get away from the big round flange and I need a shaft. Anything laying around ?
Still running the flange :D. It's easy to get a shaft for it. Any Chevy front shaft in the late 70s or early 80s will work.