Big 7/8" Rod End sale! Take advantage of my inventory screwup!

Dan Fredrickson

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
Since we moved my rod end inventory has been way screwed up, tons of boxes of backstock were misslabeled and nearly half of what I thought were 3/4" rod ends were 7/8". We got that straightened out (with a couple of rush orders of 3/4" RH heims) but I have about 1000 pair more 7/8" rod ends than I would like to have on hand (we get more every week).............So, we are going to have a pretty big sale on the 7/8" (And yes, we have LH's too).

The original price of the Rod End sets (RE's, Jams, Bungs, & Misalignment) was $65 for 1 LH & 1 RH, we have had them on special for $55 because we began making the Bungs & Misalignment ourselves and the cost was much lower but because we have way too many we are going to sell them for $49 a set, I'll make them $3 lower if you want LH only, we have 30% more LH than RH....:shaking: And you can upgrade to Stainless misalignment for only $6....

I am going to keep this running til we reach a point that makes sense but if you guys buy enough of these I may just change the price because we get 600 more 7/8" Heims every week and our cost to make the rest will drop further....:rolleyes:
Keep the orders coming!

We have sold a ton of these but they keep coming in, even with this sale we are only about 200 better off than from where we started!