BIG landscaping project in Chapel Hill... Suggestions or recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
Houston, TX
We are looking to regrade our back yard. It is going to be a big project, we need 100-130 yards of dirt and a whole bunch of spreading, we cant get the dirt into the back yard, it has to be dumped on the side of the house, and we cant get anything much bigger than a bobcat to the back yard.


Anyone run a dump truck and can get dirt here, or know of a good company to do it?

Anyone know a good landscaping company or bobcat guy to do the grading?

Anyone know of a company that can come to Chapel Hill and get it all done in one shot?

We have had bad luck getting this project started with no shows from landscapers, rains, etc. and want this thing completed quickly.

Thanks all!
call al burkett of burkett excavating 919 625-5262. he's in chapel hill.
ehhh have em dump it down the hill... Then rent a track cat for a few weekends and move it around your self !! or rent 2 and I'll help !
guy that ripped out pad and graded backyard for me was:

O'Briant Hauling
his name is Todd.

he does this part time his other job is Firefighter..
ehhh have em dump it down the hill... Then rent a track cat for a few weekends and move it around your self !! or rent 2 and I'll help !

Wifey wont let me... says something about it will probably end up sucking. No faith.

Looked like a good parking spot to me?
You ever just thought you could put your trailer on the ball, not bother putting on the safety chains or really making sure the hitch is secure, just because you only needed to move it a couple of feet?

Well, its not such a good idea.