Big Thanks to Blkvoodoo


Blkvoodoo posted that a tree was down between his property and his neighbor and that if anyone wanted it to just come and get it. It was a big ole white oak and the bottom has some big heavy blocks. He and his daughter helped me last week get the top cut up and the brush piled up. This week while I cut up the big stuff, he, his daughter and his neighbor loaded it into the trailer using his Kubota.

Between the help and the front end loader it made it almost easy. He didn't have to spend a moment out there or offer the use of the tractor, but he did and that is the way this online community should work, does work.

Thank you brother. If I can ever help you, let me know. -Paul

First load of smaller stuff.

Second load of bigger stuff

Two guys you don't wanna F with LOL

This week while I cut up the big stuff, he, his daughter and his neighbor loaded it into the trailer using his Kubota.
my understanding is that Kevin looks for pretty much any excuse to play with his Kubota :D
my understanding is that Kevin looks for pretty much any excuse to play with his Kubota :D

Dave, you say that like its a bad thing:massey:

I spent probably 45min grading and dragging weeds and other therapeutic dirt work. then cut up the remainder of the small stuff after Paul left. most relaxed I've been in awhile :smokin:

@ponykilr Paul, thanks for cutting that mess up, it would have taken til spring if not longer for us to do it all our selves. Neighbor is appreciative too. As you saw, he's not quite able to "get 'r done" like most folk.