Blackberry browsing


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
Any chance of making the board a little more blackberry-friendly?

Another board I'm on (v.3.6.8) works very well with it..

Every since they blocked it at work, I've been finding workarounds..

:fuck-you: Network nazi's..
Hey Rich, if your BB isn't locked into oblivion, (Like they just did mine (*@#(*$@(*(*$@(*$@(*$@) install Opera Mini on it,
It actually makes this site and some others look a lot better than the crappy BB browser.
(Other than google maps for the BB it was my favorite app on mine)
Of course our BB nazi's uninstalled both and won't let me install gmaps. "It's a security risk. You might be able to find our offices in Boston"
My BB is personal..

Though browse the BB boards and you can find a way to push a blank policy to your phone..

I'm actually gonna ditch the BB for a Pocket PC, but really any support for mobile browsers would be good.
by the way, browsing sucks on a ppc running WM6, too. :-(
Bump, any word on this... My Treo, want even pull the site now.

It use to, but now it want.. I can do all others Pirate, Mud, etc.