Secondhand Tin Can.

Today and yesterday afternoon was very productive. I got all three new break lines installed and the transfer case filled. Chris regeared the dana 30. With the help of chris and joe we got the long arm brackets installed and the front axel bolted in. It is now ready for everything to be installed on it. While chris was regearing the dana 30 joe and I got the shackle relocation brackets installed.

Still have alot to do but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

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Front end is back together. Track bar is adjusted. Just need to make sure the axel is square and tighten everything up.

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So close to being done. It is now sitting on is own weight. Only things left to do is bleed and tighten the brakes. Regear the rear and get the rear drive shaft in.

To solve the front rake it has I'm going to use a 1 inch spacer. I'm going to install that when I do my front shocks and bump stops.

This picture was before I adjusted my track bar.

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Its finally rolling I need to do a little more adjusting on my track bar after I get new springs or out spacers in.

It drives completely different now. Rides alot smoother and feels more stable for some reason.

I'm currently sitting at a gas station letting the gears cool down lol.

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I definitely dig the look. Rubi wheels on an XJ always looked great to me.

Not sure if you’re still in Concord but maybe I’ll see you around sometime. Would love to take a look at it.
Yeah I'm still in concord. Not right now but I live there. Right now I'm sitting at the lowes food in denton.

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Maybe it is my phone...but why are your photos in all angles
It's not your phone for some reason when I upload pictures they get flipped upside down.

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I have a slight steering issue when I'm moving slow. Something is binding up and not allowing me turn. Any ideas of things to check?

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I have a slight steering issue when I'm moving slow. Something is binding up and not allowing me turn. Any ideas of things to check?

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Does the drag link hits anything (Seen it hit the panhard bar mound on axle side)
ARE the tRE maxed out ?
Does it binds on jack stands ?
Does it bind with the front driveshaft removed ?
Does it bind with one of the inner shafts removed ? What about the other one ?

Binding can be a ton of things...
Well I ordered some new wheels for the jeep since my tires are rubbing and almost rubbing in the rear. I got the 2 inch pucks put in and measured for the shocks.

I could not find any thing rubbing or binding in the front end. Hopefully I can get it to bind again so I can quickly look to see what's happening and get it fixed.

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And I got the light bar and bull bar mounted

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Looks really good Keith! Super happy for you. How do you like the gearing? Have you had it up to highway speed yet?

We will need to get together soon and go hit Big Creek to test it out.
Looks really good Keith! Super happy for you. How do you like the gearing? Have you had it up to highway speed yet?

We will need to get together soon and go hit Big Creek to test it out.

I like it, it will do 55 no problem. I havent had it much faster than that for a long period of time. I'm down to hit big creek once I get shocks

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Got the new wheels on. I miss the silver but I can live with the black. Time to trim the fenders a little more. I also need to figure out what's catching in the front. I'm starting to think it might be a u joint. With the difficulties in had installing them I might have messed up the needle bearings in one.

Next up is the shocks once they arrive next week.

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Well i got the front fenders re cut and folded along with the inner seem. Since the paint was chipping I decide to tape it off and paint it. It is not the best paint job in the world but it isnt horrible either.

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Today I decided to see how low my low range was. I was amazed that I was able to idle up my driveway. My driveway is not flat by any means. My shocks should be here on monday.

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Now that I have gotten alot more recovery gear. I decide to store it somehow that would make it alot easier to get to and transport it up and down the trail if its needed. I used a random bright colored back pack we had at the house. I put my snatch block, treesaver, towstrap and soft shackle in it. Along with my air down tool and winch controller. I also ordered chromos for my dirty 30. I'm so excited to get this thing out on the trail and stretch its legs once my shocks come in.

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