Bumper Clevis Mounts

Barnes 4wd

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
Etowah NC
Bumper Clevis.jpg

Our bumper clevises are cut from ¾” A50 US steel and have a 7/8” bore. The 7/8” bore will accommodate a ¾” shackle clevis and with a good ¾” clevis being rated at over 62,000 lbs they will more than do the job. These d-ring mounts are 3 ¼” long and can be welded through your bumper or attach directly to your frame. You could weld these through a 3/16” thick plate bumper and through a ¾” backing plate and the clevis would still not touch the bumper. Some companies do make longer versions but we have found that making them longer than they need to be just forces too much leverage on the mounting surface. Barnes 4wd bumper clevises are sold in pairs.
$16.88 For the Pair