cage question


Apr 5, 2005
How safe is a design like this? Thought about mounting in same holes as hard top. Should be as safe as hard top, no?


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what are you trying to protect...i see no added benfit for the driver or pass. with that design. All it is going to do is rasie you center of graveity and cause a roll easier.

FYI..this isnt bashing...just being honest
Not looking for added benefit, want to go soft top without endangering rear seat passengers. Just wondering if a cage of that design could maintain the current safety level of the factory hard top.
Not looking for added benefit, want to go soft top without endangering rear seat passengers. Just wondering if a cage of that design could maintain the current safety level of the factory hard top.

Other than keeping the rain and tree branches off, there is not much safty in a rollover from a fiberglass top, or a factory hard top for that mater. So I guess what you propose would be similar.

I'm not bashing you either, I wheeled a FS chevy with no cage for a while. If you want to go to the time and trouble to build a cage, do it right.
If you want to go to the time and trouble to build a cage, do it right.

I'm with Jim and Seth.......that design will not add enough to make it worth the time and effort. You are still relying on the top of the body to absorb the impact and it is not going to handle it.

Do it right.
It's better than the bows that hold up a typical soft top, but please, please, PLEASE don't consider it a safety/rollover device.

A vehicle as heavy as a K5 could easily destroy the proposed cage.

Like the others, I'm not flaming, just don't want to see anyone get hurt.

I agree with everyone else, spend a few more bucks and little more time, and build a functional cage.