Callalantee 12/29/2007


New Member
Nov 25, 2007
Had a great time yesterday! :driver: Thanks for the tree removal and spring relocation services. Looks like limiting strap or cable needed on front axle.
When I get a few of the 331 pictures I took yesterday uploaded, I will post a link to the album. The following is the only group shot (hope everyone:confused:).
It was'nt for lack of tryin!! Maybe the wider tires helped! LOL!

Although, I didnt hammer the ledge this time cuz I thought I had broke somethin in the front end! Turns out though that the right hub was locked out. So the rest of the day was saved!

I had a ball! Real wet an muddy. Glad I had the new Boggers on. Or might have spent even more time on the cable!
Yeah the old cruiser sheared the studs off the hub so I had to three wheel peel it most of the day plus I have something that sounds funny in the motor
Had a good time, despite the damage on Friday. I hate that everyone wussed out with a little rain and went home. Had a blast camping Saturday night.

No the DS is still there...the resolution is down a bit and it might be hard to see.

I don't know if anyone noticed but if you look close on the shot of Sherman and his toyota attempting the ledge climb at Callalantee, his wheel starts spinning inside the tire and yet never loses air...That's what I was pointing at in the shot.

I was having a bit of trouble out of the myspace player and so I uploaded another copy to youtube : vid, though I think this one might be even poorer quality.

Great trip, I'm ready for another!