Callalantee/Crackers Neck Sept.16-17


blue collar brotherhood
Apr 10, 2005
Dallas NC
Supp yall, a couple of us are going to ride/camp at Callalantee on Friday evening then go over to Crackers Neck Sat. morning and ride all day. Anyone else wanna go?? :D :beer:
We probably won't get up to Callalantee until 3:30 or 4pm, But we'll be wheelin' as soon as I can get unloaded. :driver:
Well I'm going to bring the bronco up to cracker's neck saturday sometime before noon. Maybe we can get together since I have no clue what trail is what.
SWEEEET!!! we can get lost together !!:lol: Nah but seriously I'm hoping Bjack will be able to show up so we're not wanderin' where we're at all day. I'm planning on bein at hardees maybe round 9-10 guess it depends on the nite b4 :beer: